
TruthNews is a Christian-operated internet newsmagazine. Our focus is on national politics, the federal government, technology, news media, and American culture. We also provide coverage of international events that could affect America’s interests, with particular focus on the European Union, Russia, China, the Middle East, and Israel.

TruthNews was established because of an alarming trend in American news media. The corporations that provide our news have been merging with other news companies, resulting in fewer news sources that make news decisions based on economic and advertising considerations rather than on what’s true and relevant. Once-reputable news organizations are now accepting the government news releases and the "spin" of politicians without bothering to verify their accuracy. The hypocrisy of politicians has continued to rise while news organizations are content to report on what the politicians and polls are saying, rather than on what the truth is.

Thus, we established TruthNews to promote the truth and provide responsible and truthful sources of information while exposing hypocrisy, hidden agendas, and shoddy reporting. TruthNews -- the organization dedicated to truth in the news.

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